"In Your Face" Prompters For Hand-Held & Steadi-Cam

8” and 10” ‘In Your Face’ Prompters
We were the first to take a 5” LCD monitor and mount it on a telescopic arm to come up with the greatest hand held and steadi-cam teleprompting system ever developed! With the advent of thinner and lighter weight monitors we now offer 8” and 10” systems.
With a center of gravity toward the rear, it won’t burden your camera operator. Easily readable at 10’ to 15’ this system is our hottest specialty prompter.
Why not go wireless on your next handheld shoot!
We now have the ability to send our Teleprompting signal wirelessly to our 8 inch In Your Face system. No cables or wires trailing behind the camera operator.
A few simple requirements
• To power both the monitor and the wireless receiver we will need access to an Anton Bauer tap.
• This non broadcast wireless system works best in a "Line of Sight" environment. An open area on a sound stage or outside works best. Although the system will transmit through walls, we avoid this and recommend an open area.